Reduce Changeover Time and Increase Production with Rafted Roll Stands

See the impact that rafting can have on the production and profitability of your operation with our Rafting Productivity Calculator

What is Rafting and How Can It Improve Your Productivity and Profitability?

In any roll forming operation, the process of changing tooling to run different products is one of the leading causes of machine downtime and lost production. On a traditional driven stand roll former design, the process of changing over roll stands one at a time is incredibly time consuming. And in large mills with multiple sets of tooling or changeovers per week, this can result in significant downtime and lost production. Depending on your operation, rafting can be the solution to both of these problems.

Rafting involves mounting your roll stands on a removable subplates called “rafts” and setting up your machinery to handle these rafts. When implemented, rafting allows you to change a group of roll stands at once, instead of switching out rolls one at a time — dramatically reducing changeover time which, in turn, can significantly increase your production and profitability.

Whether you have a set of rafts for each product you make or change your roll stands on offline rafts while the current product is still running on the line, rafting can be a worthwhile investment for your operation that pays for itself in a very short time in productivity and profitability gains.

Use our Rafting Productivity Calculator below to see how rafting can improve your overall production, then fill out the form to see the dramatic effect it can have on your overall profitability.

The Rafting Productivity Calculator

Our Rafting Productivity Calculator will show you the impact of rafting on your specific operation. As you enter and adjust the various values, you will see the graphs change in real time demonstrating differences in Overall Production, Available Production, and Lost Production Due to Changeovers between your existing non-rafted system and your potential new rafted system.

And don’t forget, if you want to see the overall impact of rafting on your profitability, please fill out the form below.

1 | The Impact of Rafting on a Single Changeover

Please fill out the information below to see the difference rafting can make on a single changeover depending on the Shaft Diameter of your machine and the number of stands you currently have.

Your Machine

Shaft Diameter (in) of Your Machine:
Number of Stands you currently have:

Rafting Your Machine

Because of the Shaft Diameter of your machine, rafting your machine would require 4-Stand Rafts. So based on the Number of Stands you've indicated, the RAFTED version of your machine would include the following number of 4-Stand Rafts:
4-Stand Rafts
Because of the Shaft Diameter of your machine, rafting your machine would be done with a combination of 4-Stand and 6-Stand Rafts. In the blanks below, please enter the number of each raft to accommodate the total Number of Stands you've indicated —  the goal is to have the least number of rafts possible that would still accommodate the Number of Stands in your machine.
4-Stand Rafts
6-Stand Rafts
The number of rafts indicated will accommodate stands.
Please add rafts to accommodate your total Number of Stands
Because of the Shaft Diameter of your machine, rafting your machine would be done with a combination of 4-Stand, 6-Stand, and 8-Stand Rafts. In the blanks below, please enter the number of each raft to accommodate the total Number of Stands you've indicated —  the goal is to have the least number of Rafts possible that would still accommodate the Number of Stands in your machine.
4-Stand Rafts
6-Stand Rafts
8-Stand Rafts
The number of rafts indicated will accommodate stands.
Please add rafts to accommodate your total Number of Stands

Changeover Downtime
Non-Rafted Machine

Based on the Shaft Diameter of Your Machine, it takes approximately minutes to changeover ONE (1) Stand. And based on the Number of Stands that you've indicated, it takes approximately minutes to changeover all of the stands on your Non-Rafted machine.

Changeover Downtime
Rafted Machine

Based on the Shaft Diameter of your machine, it would take approximately minutes to changeover ONE (1) Raft. And based on the Number of Rafts that you've indicated, it would take approximately minutes to changeover the RAFTED version of your machine.

As you can see, Rafting can have a significant impact on how long it takes to perform a single Changeover. Scroll down to see how these shorter Changeovers can impact your overall production and when you're ready, please reach out for a no obligation, 1-on-1 Consultation with a Formtek Technical Specialist — we'll help you figure out if Rafting is right for you.

2 | The Impact of Rafting on Production (Hours)

Now that you've seen the difference rafting can make on a single changeover, let's see the impact that it can have on your overall production (in terms of hours). Please fill out your current the information below including the Number of Shifts per Week, the Number of Hours per Shift, and your Average Number of Changeovers per week to see the impact that rafting can have on your production — particularly as Changeovers increase.
No. of Shifts per Week
No. of Hours per Shift
No. of Changeovers per Week
Maximum Weekly Production (Hours) = Hours
Maximum Weekly Production is based on 0 Weekly Changeovers. The subsequent graphs demonstrate difference in how much production you lose/retain between your Non-Rafted Machine and the Rafted version of your machine (built in Section 1 above) as the number weekly Changeovers increases.
Lost Hours in a Week Due to Changeovers for Non-rafted Machine
Available Working Hours for Non-rafted Machine
Lost Hours in a Week Due to Changeovers for Rafted Machine
Available Working Hours for Rafted Machine
Total Weekly Output using Non-Rafted Machine
Total Weekly Output using Rafted Machine
Output by using Non-Rafted Machine
Output by using Rafted Machine
Based on Changeovers per Week.

Weekly Production
Non-Rafted Machine


Weekly Lost Production

Based on Changeovers per Week.

Weekly Production
Rafted Machine


Weekly Lost Production

Graph shows Weekly Production and Lost Production in terms of hours for your Non-Rafted Machine as the number of weekly Changeovers increases (the initial number of weekly Changeovers is the number you've entered above). Compare the production and lost production of this Non-Rafted Machine to Rafted version of Your Machine shown on the subsequent graph.
Graph shows Weekly Production and Lost Production in terms of hours for a Rafted version of your machine as the number of weekly Changeovers increases (the initial number of weekly Changeovers is the number you've entered above). Compare the production and lost production of this Rafted Machine to the Non-Rafted Machine shown on the previous graph.

As the graphs above demonstrate, Rafting can have a significant impact on your overall production in terms of hours which can, in turn, affect how you run your operation and the number of different products you're able to manufacture. Scroll down to see how these production gains translate into linear feet — and don't forget, when you're ready to take the next step to see if Rafting is right for your operation, reach out for a 1-on-1 Consultation with a Formtek Technical Specialist.

3 | The Impact of Rafting on Production (Linear Feet)

While the graphs above depict production in terms of time (hours), we can also look at the impact of rafting on the amount of product that can be produced. Please indicate your Average Feet per Minute (FPM) in the field below and see how rafting impacts the amount of product you can actually produce — particularly as the number of Changeovers increases.
Average Feet per Minute (FPM)
Maximum Weekly Production (Linear Feet) = linear feet
Maximum Weekly Production is based on 0 Weekly Changeovers. The subsequent graphs demonstrate difference in how much production you lose/retain between your Non-Rafted Machine and the Rafted version of your machine (built in Section 1 above) as the number weekly Changeovers increases.
Based on Changeovers per Week.

Weekly Production
Non-Rafted Machine


Weekly Lost Production

Based on Changeovers per Week.

Weekly Production
Rafted Machine


Weekly Lost Production

Graph presents the difference in Weekly Production (in terms of linear feet) between your Non-Rafted Machine and a Rafted version of your machine as the number weekly Changeovers increases (the initial number of weekly Changeovers is the number you've entered above). Note how the Rafted version of your machine will give you the flexibility of being able to do MORE Changeovers without adversely impacting your Weekly Production.

As you can see, the impact that Rafting can have on your production is magnified as the number of Changeovers increases. With Rafting, you can mitigate the downtime associated with Changeovers so you can change your line as often as you need to.

Scroll down and fill out the form to see how the productivity gains from Rafting can impact your overall profitability and don't forget to reach out for a 1-on-1 Consultation with a Formtek Technical Specialist — we'll help you determine if Rafting is right for your operation.

4 | The Impact of Rafting on Your Profitability

Now that you've seen the impact that rafting can have on your production, let's take a look at how rafting impacts your profitability. Please fill out the form below including your operation's Estimated Efficiency and Average Profit per Foot. After you hit the Submit button, the subsequent page will present a new set of graphs demonstrating the dramatic impact that rafting can have on your overall annual profitability.
Estimated Efficiency:
Please enter 50% Efficiency as 50
Average Profit per Foot:
Please enter $.03 as .03
formtek rafting